I'm having one of those days....one of those days I use to have back in my pre-postpartm days. One of those days from 2008.
I'm struggling today.
But I'm fighting.
Trying to fight.
Maybe it's hormones. Maybe I'm tired and my diet needs to change.
My family has been under a sickness attack and I'm not retreating, but I would really like to hide under a rock!
My little girl had a fever again last night. She feels warm today, but is acting fine so maybe it's over.
My house is a mess and I can't seem to get a hold of it!
My dog for the first timein 7 years, ever in her life...has fleas.
So I feel itchy all over.
And it grosses me out.
And I know it's all going to be taken care of today. Got the medicine, she's going to the groomers, etc. And I know my baby girl is feeling better and is getting better.
I'm just weak today.
But, I'm trying to fight.
I have praise music going and I am about to get out of the house.
And during my quiet time I realized that I have to focus on my kids. Enjoy them and revel in them. Nothing else matters but that.
So that's the plan.
This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.
I WILL Rejoice.
How we can move from Self-Sufficiency to Christ-Intimacy
God’s purpose for you is to experience His presence! Today, my dear friend
Jeannie Cunnion shows us how we can encounter God intimately in our daily
lives ...
12 hours ago
I'm SOOOO sorry about the fleas!! They are the WORST! Hope lil Emma stays feeling better
and hope you have a great day with your babies!
Oh my goodness--we are having the same day! I'm so exhausted emotionally and physically and I've been crying over everything! But, like you, I'm trying to keep my mind on Christ and persevere. My little girl's been sick with tonsilitis so I know how you feel.
I'm sending prayers and hugs to you right now. I pray that you are strengthened and refreshed and that God fills you with His peace!!
I hope things take a turn for the better soon!
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