All in all it went by pretty fast and though I hate to see it end, I am ready for some colder weather. Of course around here...we ain't getting that for a while.
In honor of the Summer Spectacle over at We are THAT family, I am going to post on how spectacular our summer moments were...
I am a Summer fan. I love summertime. I love the warm weather, the pool and as many of you know, the tan. Summers have always been filled with exciting things, vacations and fun memories for me. We are beach people and so in summer we head to the beach. This summer, unlike last summer, we did not take crazy to the beach...I suppose time got away from us, but for the first time in what seems like ages, my hubby and I did vacation on the beautiful beaches of South Florida.
Now...We had an amazing trip. Everything was perfect. The weather was great, the food was great and we had a wonderful time being together "baby free." Of course being in South Florida we did see more skin than usual.
My thing is, if you work out and earned that body I say flaunt it! Or if you are just one of those annoying people who have good genes, "Hey, do what you want." But if you just ain't in either one of those places...please keep somewhat covered. A brazilian thong is mean for very few people!
Now one woman who was near our beach area was there with her husband and 2 small children. She had a very attractive, generally modest brazilian thong on. For those of you who don't know, a brazilian thong is not dental floss, it is more V shaped in teh back covering only a small percentage, but there is more coverage.
So anyways, this woman for having two small kids looked incredible. I applauded her.
Another woman a few days later was wearing a similar suit and well...she had two kids as well. I applauded her confidence!
Another thing we saw a lot of was tatoos. Man! People like to mark themselves permanently. There was one lady, probably in her 30's and she had a tatoo placed in a rather unconventional spot as far as I could see. Unfortunately all I saw were two "crabby" like arms coming out of her small suit and for the life of me I could not tell what the tatoo was of. It was pretty bad because both my husband and I kept trying to nonchalantly figure out what was basically in her hoohaa area without staring too much.
Another very cute young girl had these huge wings on her back...just in case she wanted to go flying I guess.
I am not opposed to tatoos, I am opposed to needles, but I do think that if you are gonna get something...especially as a woman...there are few places that would work well and I better be darn sure that I am going to like the permanence...there is nothing like seeing very old people with tatoos. It makes you question that whale, that is, dolphin on your hip.
That was one of the highlights of my summer. It had been a while where it was just me and my beloved and we enjoyed every minute.
We also went lots of places with crazy like the Zoo, children's museum and of course the pool. In fact, he has a lot better tan than all of us! We also went fishing with him and fed the ducks which he loves to do.
So here are some pics that pretty much sum up the rest! Fun times...

Shopping in Florida...Baby belly starting to pop!

Looking nice and tan!

What a hottie!

Hanging out at home all goofy! World record holder
and Olympic champion...4 "Tete's" in one big mouth!

Fishing with Dad. Reel it in baby!

I got one! Whoa baby!

Cruising at the Museum with my cousins!

Painting it up!

Picking nana's from our backyard!
And that, in a nut shell was our summer! What a blast! And there is so much more to come in the fall and winter!
For more fun summer spectacles, click here.
What a fun summer you had! Love the pictures...
Your son is adorable :D
Thanks for sharing!
Your pix where great and the Thong comment gave me a LOL moment!
Cool pictures!
Looks like you had a fun summer. Totally with you on that whole thong thing. Maybe we can have that issue brought up in the coming election.
I Love the paint pictures!
Great pics...looks like it was a fun summer!
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