
Friday, March 4, 2011

So Thankful...

The last few days I have had a sort of heaviness weigh on me.

Not really sure why? But I have been in prayer over it and trusting that the Lord is moving in all matters.

As I was praying I kept thinking about all the things I am so thankful for and the verse came into my mind, "Enter His gates with Thanksgiving, enter into His courts with Praise."

What better way to fight heaviness than Thanksgiving!

So...what am I thankful for?

1. My husband is so good to me.
2. Sammy and Emma are the sweetest blessings
3. Our home is lovely
4. Grandparents that love and enjoy my kids
5. A little puppy that my son adores
6. A daughter that likes to sleep in!
7. A son that is such a great help to me
8 A husband who works hard for us everyday.
9. A son who makes me laugh out loud
10. little girl kisses and hugs
11. a little girl who is girly to no end!
12. Friends
13. Friends who encourage me
14. Amazing women who inspire me
15. Awesome men of God who my husband calls friends
16. Sewing
17. My productive business that keeps me just busy enough
18. Being able to sew my kids clothes and my clothes!
19. beautiful days
20. Spring time
21. DVR!
22. The food we eat.
23. Coupons that really save us lots of money!
24. The ability to buy things we need and even want.
25. Being able to play with my kids
26. Being able to clean my home.
27. Yummy meals for my family.
28. Spending time with my family.
29. The roses my husband brought home to me yesterday.
30. My God and Savior.

I could go on. But that was refreshing. There really is so much to be thankful for.
What are you thankful for? Go and make a list! God is so good!

"Thank you Lord. Really, thank you for all these things. I don't realize all that you give me and have blessed me with. You constantly show up in my life and I am so thankful for that. I know you are always working on my behalf and that of my family. I love you Lord. In your precious name, Amen."

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