
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Half a decade

For half a decade I have had the calling of being mama, mommy, and mom.
For half a decade I have awaken to the joy of a small boy wanting "bweakfist."
For half a decade I have enjoyed shows like Curious George and Clifford.
For half a decade I have been hugged and kissed each day by sticky hands and jam covered lips.
For half a decade I have played, and chased and tickled.
For half a decade I have kissed boo boos away and prayed for sweet dreams.
For half a decade I have rocked, snuggled and cuddled.
For half a decade I have been challenged, overwhelmed and forgiven.
For half a decade I have loved and been loved more than I thought possible.

5 Years have passed, not slow but rather fast and I can still remember that first night of cries, that first smile and that first laugh that passed from you precious lips, how my heart leaped.
5 Years have passed, not slow but rather fast and I can remember your first bath, that sweet baby smell of lavender and milk, your soft, soft perfect skin.
5 Years have passed, not slow, but rather fast and now before me stands a boy. With dreams and fears, with superhero powers and time for only a quick kiss and cuddle.
5 Years have passed, not slow but rather fast and I can see glimpses into the future of a boy who grows in stature and in the Lord as his namesake. The boy will one day soon become a man and so...

the next five years I will treasure even more the ministry of being mom.

The joy of being the one who knows how he likes his cereal, the one who knows which super hero squad he likes, the one who knows he hates being dirty, the one who knows where he left his DS and the one he still goes to when he's hurt.
I'll be the one he kisses goodnight for a few years more, the one who will continue to face his challenges with him head on and on my knees as well, the one who will love him more always.

I have a few more half decades of all those joys. A few more half decades still.

"Father thank you for blessing me with the greatest ministry of mommyhood. Thank you for my son. You knew I needed him more that he needed me. Thank you Father. I pray over the next 5 years. I pray that he grows into a strong, sweet, confident boy and that he finds all that he needs in You. In your precious name, Amen."

Linking up
@works for me Wednesday
@ Thankful Thursdays

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