
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Armed and Ready

I talked about over here how I felt that this year was the year for prayer. A year where I was going to learn how to be and become a prayer warrior. To daily and without ceasing, even, pray. Over my husband, my children, my church, my friends, my family, myself....

I want my prayer life to grow. I want to hunger for it. To miss it. To really just pray!

So I have found myself doing so...conciously thining about it and therefore doing it..

I pray in the shower. I pray in the car. I pray when I open my eyes. I pray when I am sitting at my sewing machine. I pray in the middle of the night when I wake up. I pray all the time.

It's been refreshing and sweet.

And then came the fight.

I didn't think about the trials that would come my way... I thought I would pray and all would line up nicely because...well, I'm praying!

But the trials have come and  you know what...I have been ready for them. I have been "prayed up" as we use to say.

And these trials have been different. We are not sick like last year. We are not financially hurting, in fact for the first time in our marriage we have extra money and we are desiring to use that money for his kingdom more so than ever. No one is hurting, no one is fearful...but the trials have come in a different light.

And I love how the Lord prepares you. He gets you ready to fight before you even know a battle is on its way.

So, I am fighting. I am praying like never before. It is a battle "against principalities and rulers of this dark world" Eph 6:12, and I am fighting them. Hard. With the sword of the spirit and the shield of salvation and breastplate of righteousness, Eph. 6:11 --

So, whatever you got, Devil...Bring it on. I have been and am on my knees and you have to flee!

Prayer works. Period.

Are you in a fight now? Can I pray for you? Let's fight together for where two or more are He is in the presence with us...He's in my corner!
"Father, thank you for always preparing me for battle. For giving me training before the fight. Lord you know what we are facing and I ask you to be in our corner. Be in the hearts and mind of all who are involved and win. Thank you for your perfect timing, for  your deliverance, for you making the enemy our footstool. You are so good and so worthy of our praise. I Love you Lord, in your precious name, amen."

Linking up at works for me wednesday! Again...Prayer works! It's the greatest tip!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post, Andrea.

    I remember being on my face in my prayer closet for one of my chicks (affectionate term for my children). I poured out my heart with tears and desperation. Then, I got up and asked the Lord to replace all my fears with fight - and He did.

    Pray on, dear sister!


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