
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Today I Choose Love

She had dressed herself and she looked lovely. 

She was the first to come down.
She kissed my cheek lightly as I was still asleep and whispered, "Happy Mother's day Mommy."

Later, as I was dressing and getting ready for church, I called her to fix her hair.
"I already did it," she called down.

I cringed.
Fixing her hair tends to be a small battle.

Her hair is perfect.
Natural blonde highlights throughout her soft brown tendrils with natural, ombre tints.
It's also naturally curly, with beach waves and perfect, soft ringlets.

Because of her natural curls, her hair tends to be more dry.
Even at 5, she has different products that we use to keep her hair healthy and soft.

The rule is, only mommy puts products in her hair.

And again, she "forgot."

She came into the room and her hair was greasy.
So greasy I didn't have to put any shine in my hair, I simply took it off of her hair!

"I was trying to do it by myself," she said.
I was annoyed and on the verge of being mad.

"But it is not your job to do it, it's my job. You messed up you hair. It looks awful!"

It was mother's day and I hurt my sweet baby's feelings.
The tears started to roll down her little face.
I had spoken harshly, yet again, and immediately felt remorse.

She didn't mean to.
Yes, she had been disobedient, but she was trying to help and do her best to be ready by herself.

This wasn't the first time we have dealt with this same issue.

Oil greasing up her head.
Leave on conditioner on DRY hair.
Leave on conditioner in gobs on her scalp.

So many times this battle of the hair wages and I get mad, she cries, I feel's quiet a saga.

I want her to love her hair.
I want her to have sweet memories of me doing her hair.
There is nothing more relaxing and loving than when someone is gently brushing your hair.
It can be a very tender act.

Mostly, for us, it is not fun.

I hate that.

My pastor gave a wonderful sermon on Sunday called, "Life's too Short."
As soon as he said those words, my spirit was struck.

Life is too short.

It's just hair.
It's just clothes.
It's just food.
It's just stuff.

None of that stuff matters in the big scheme of things, because life is simply too short.
What matters are relationships, the memories, and love.

Everyday, I must remember that life is too short to dwell on the small stuff. 

How many times do I lose my patience and get obviously annoyed over small things?

I am going to try to remember that life is too short to get upset about hair issues and little messes and bitterness and "should'ves."

"Love is patient, love is is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs...It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Is there something in your life that you tend to dwell on or "sweat?"
Remember, Life is too short...choose love instead.

I created a Printable that I will place on my bathroom mirror so I can remember this truth, especially during the hair trials! And I am happy to share it with you! Click here for free Printable!

Print it out and place it wherever you may need to be reminded to choose love. Maybe it's the kitchen a midst the picky eaters or maybe you'll clip it over your car visor so you can be reminded during traffic or carpool!

Life is too short (Get Free Printable!)

Choose Love beloved,
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  1. I sat here crying because I saw so much of me in this whole post.

    When will my humanness learn that life is not about those things but about our relationshiips with our kids and family.

    When will I learn to control my impatience, my snapping, my inability to just let things go?

    I will be praying for you sister!!!!

    <3 Cassie

    1. Blessings Cassie! We are all the same! remember He will help you be enough and better. He trusts you!

  2. LOVE! I struggle with being a "mean mommy" sometimes and I've had moments where my anger hurt my kids' feelings. Which in turn hurts my heart and loads me with guilt. Thanks for this reminder to chose love.

    Thanks for linking up with Woman to Woman's Word Filled Wednesday! God bless!

    1. It's so nice to know that we are not alone in our mom walks and that there is grace!!! Blessings and thanks for hosting Jennifer!

  3. What a beautiful reminder of what matters most. Thank you.

  4. Thank you for your words. Sat here wiping away tears, asking the Lord to forgive me yet again for my frustration and anger bursts. Thanks for the printable too. Stopping by from Thrive at Home link up.

    1. I just prayed for you Melissa! I've been there so many times! So glad it blessed you!

  5. Such a lovely printable. Thank you for being willing to share it. It's certainly a subject I need as I tend to "sweat."


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