
Friday, May 9, 2014

An Underserved, Grace Filled Mother’s Day

The reality is that I don’t deserve a day to be praised and catered to.
Because most days…
I’m unworthy of this calling.

Most days I yell.
Most days I lose my patience.
Most days I don’t want to give anymore.

But His grace covers those days.

There are so many things I want to do as a mom.
So many things I want to impart to my children.
So many things I want them to remember and with fondness and love.

But, I have this fear that what if all they remember is a mom who was always too busy cleaning up and complaining about their messes.
What if all they remember is a mom who yelled and snapped about the lost shoe and the spilled milk?
What if all they remember is a mom who sighed, a lot, and just wanted to be alone?

That scares me to my core.

I want to be so much more.
They deserve so much more.

They deserve a mom who will sit down and play Barbies and go fish.
They deserve a mom who smiles a lot and laughs and fills their days with fun and love.
They deserve a mom who is kind.

But most days, I fail…
Most days, I’m tired and my goals and dreams for what I want to be as their mama gets all jumbled and messed up and instead I lose to the tired, the weary, and the selfishness.

Yet, because of His love for me and for my children, Instead of walking in fear, I choose to walk in His grace.

I walk in the knowledge of knowing that His grace is enough and it was God who called me to be the mama to these three crazy, beautiful kids.

He wouldn’t have called me if the God of all creation and the maker of heaven and earth didn’t trust me.

He calls me to be their mama, not because I am perfect, but because I am faithful to that calling.

He calls me to be their mama, not because I am perfect, but because He makes me enough.

He calls me to be their mama, not because I have any idea what I am doing, but because He has given me all the wisdom and knowledge I need to walk this journey of motherhood.

He calls me to be their mama, because mostly, I am unworthy, undeserved and needing of His grace.

The calling of being their mama; the fear, the failure, the worry, the love, the dreams…all those things bring me to the cross daily.

All those things are at my core, the good and the bad and they are what keep me on my face before my Jesus with my hands lifted up, for without His grace, I simply can’t.

So, this Mother’s Day, remember mama’s that God called you, not because you could or had the knowledge to do any of this, but because He knows you are faithful.

He knows He can depend on you to seek Him daily as you walk this journey with your children and His grace will cover you all.

Happy Mother’s Day Beloved,


  1. Beautiful words. I think most moms feel this way and it's so comforting to know that we're not alone and we were made for this journey. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks Angela! We are not alone! The enemy always wants us to believe that, to keep us isolated, but we are definitely not alone!

  3. I remember the fear of messing them up, and the blame I took when they messed up. Oh, praise God for His forgiveness and mercy, His grace and love. Happy Mother's Day Andrea!

  4. I really enjoyed this, and have shared it with salt & light a link up... if you want to spread the love stop by and check it out


  5. Thank you so much Marissa! I appreciate it! I will definitely link up next week! Blessings to you!

  6. We always have to remember that He knows us before He calls us and so as you say our part is to do the best we can with what we have when He calls us and then rest in His sufficiency because when we are weak, then He is strong. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thank God for His strength! Thanks for commenting Ed.

  7. The happy family: Spouses Support is a blog that is interested in supporting and training spouses to raise their children in a proper way, and a guide towards a happy family by suggesting solutions to marriage problems and also considered a guide for women during pregnancy.


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