
Friday, April 4, 2014

Ultimate Blog Party! Welcome!!

Ultimate Blog Party 2014

Welcome friends!! So glad you are here!! I am participating at the Ultimate Blog party at 5 Minutes for Mom!! 

My Name is Andrea Portilla. I am a wife, momma of 3, home educator and Jesus follower.

I blog about living this life for Jesus daily. 
Working at your callings and passions with all your heart! 
And my goal is to encourage and equip women to daily surrender their lives to their Creator.

I just started blogging again and it has been so good! And I am so excited to connect with so many of you! 

Take a look around...find out more about me here and this Beautiful Crazy blog here and check out some of my posts too!!

Here are some that you may enjoy.

How it all Began and all it comes down to...

My Story

A little more to my story...

The greatest Revelation EVER!

How I lost who I was and how I figured it out! 

My most recent post...and what I wish I could tell my kids...

Please leave a comment and tell me where you are coming from so I can hop on over and say hi!! Can't wait to connect with you! 

My 3 little loves

Subscribe and get Beautiful Craziness directly to your Email! 


  1. Andrea,
    Yay for moms of three! I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog. Nice to meet you.

    1. So glad you came by Heidi! Hope we can stay connected!

  2. Hi Andrea,
    visiting your blog from UBP#14. Nice to meet you. I took a look around your neat blog and have to tell you that we share a common place to reflect on God and have some quiet time--the bath tub : )
    Most folks I know take showers, but I always like to relax in the tub and always have my "tub Bible" next to me (a Bible that has been dropped in the tub a few times and the pages are bit water marked)
    God bless,
    Gail (Bible Love Notes)

    1. Gail, my baths have become such a great place for me to regroup after crazy days of homeschooling and diapers and craziness! I started taking one bubble bath a week since the new year and wonder why I haven't done this for years!!

  3. Hey there! Can't wait to get to know you more thru your blog! :)

    1. So glad you came by! I'll be sure to visit too!

  4. Visiting you back from the UBP! Thanks for stopping by my place. Your kids are adorable. I have four children. Have a beautiful weekend.

    1. Thanks Barbie!! They are the sweetest! Thanks for coming by! Love meeting everyone!!

  5. So great to get to "meet" another like-minded mama!! Enjoy your kiddos this weekend.

    1. Isn't great!! And it's so great to know we are all just trying to figure out all this parenting and blogging stuff and that we aren't alone!! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Visiting from UBP14! Love your blog and can't wait to read more!

    1. Thanks Susan! I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment! Hope you are having a great day!

  7. Hi Andrea. Glad you came back around to blogging. Your kids are cuties.

    1. Thanks Lisa for coming by! Can't wait to visit you again! Have a great weekend!

  8. Visiting from UBP! Another mom of three! Great to meet you and looking forward to reading more on your blog! I have two blogs: my personal one ( and my business one ( about crocheting, writing, embroidery, and photography. Hope you have a great blog party week!

    1. Wonderful!! Thanks for visiting! I will definitely go check them both out! I pretend to crochet and embroider so always looking for tips!!

  9. I loved reading your story! The quote that caught me was, "The consequences to desiring our own pursuits can unravel your entire life and squander the purpose He has called you to. " I totally agree- I think we drive ourselves crazy with anxiety, control, perfection, individualism, and more, trying to avoid the will of God because we have "better plans." Thanks for sharing- look forward to reading more!

  10. Wow Lauren!! Thanks so much! I'm always humbled and surprised when people are moved by my writing! It's all God girl!! He is and has been so good! Thanks so much for visiting! I will be sure to visit!!

  11. Andrea, what a beautiful family! Great to connect with you through #UBP14. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by lyli! I'll be sure to visit you!

  12. Hello! Swinging by from the UBP to say hello! I love meeting mom's with great values. Your kids are just precious. :)

    1. Thanks Trisha! Love connecting with bloggers! I'll be sure to stop by your page soon!

  13. I'm stopping by from #UBP14. I've been participating since 2007. It truly is a fun way to meet new bloggers!

    Glad to hear you're not only back to blogging but loving it.

    1. Thanks!! It has been so good!!! I'll be sure to stop by your page soon!!

  14. Hi Andrea! Thanks for stopping by my blog as part of #UBP14! I'm looking forward to more of your posts!

  15. Hi Andrea! I'm visiting from Wildflower Faith. So glad to meet you! I look forward to reading more of your posts. Enjoy the rest of the blog party!

    1. Thanks janet! I'll be sure to visit your page soon! Looking forward to connecting again!

  16. Hi! I'm visiting from the UBP2014! You have a neat blog! Looking forward to getting to know you through your posts! I'd like to encourage you to link-up at Operation Wife for Wifey Wednesdays! (It's live now, even though it technically starts Wednesday)

    1. Thanks Becky!! I linked up today!! Thanks for hosting!!

  17. Hello, visiting from#UBP14. Can't wait to read more of your blog.

    1. Thanks Jessica!! Will definitely stop by your site!!

  18. Visiting from UBP#14. Looking forward to reading your blog. Check out ours on

  19. Stopping by from the party :) I'm a mom of 3 also (all girls) and it's a constant craziness in my house. lol Have a great day!

  20. Thanks Susie! Visited your page and commented earlier!! So great getting to know other bloggers!


I love reading comments! Thank you so much!