
Friday, August 22, 2014

Prayers and Printables for the First day of School

No matter how old I get there is something exciting about Back to School!

I think in our minds eye we feel the approaching of fall (despite the 100 degree temps!), we smell the scent of lysol and new crayons and Elmer's glue and we can hear the sharpening of bright yellow pencils! 

Perhaps its our desire for structure and routine that we miss so much at the end of summer. Nonetheless, the long days of summer are about to end and the shuffling of papers and school work are approaching. 

We homeschool our children, yet they anticipate the first day of school in many of the same ways. They have new pencil cases and crayons, a new school outfit, pencils needing to be sharpened, new notebooks to doodle on and lots of new books to look through in anticipation of all that they will learn during the year. 

I love it! Maybe it's the teacher in me...Maybe it's the love of learning new things! 

And whether we homeschool or send our kids to public or private the end of the day, the emotions are all the same. The anticipation, the worry, the fears, the hope and dreams are all the same on the first day of school. Whether you are teaching or overseeing; whether you are waving good bye at a bus stop or dropping them off in carpool. Whether you gather your kids together around the dining room table or send them off one by matter what our choice for education is, each of us are doing what we hope and pray is best for our kids and nothing else matters.

Raising children is hard. Choosing their education is hard. Figuring out what curriculum and which classes they should take and hoping for a great teacher that will love them and hoping that you, as their teacher aren't messing them up...that's all scary and uncertain! 

We have all been called to do a very important and significant task: to raise intelligent, loving children who have the potential to become intelligent and loving world changers and kingdom chasers. No matter what road God has called you to walk with your children, be that homeschooling, private or public schooling, each of our walks are unlike any other, and so, we must surrender every aspect of our children's lives to God, their Father, and ask Him for guidance and wisdom to do our best in whatever journey He has called us to. 

This is what I am praying for during this school year for all of us parents, our students and every teacher.  

  •  I am praying for the fruits of the spirit to abound in every parent, student and teacher. 
For love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. As a mom and as a teacher to my little brood...I desperately need all of those! How wonderful would it be if our schools and families would walk in each of those fruits throughout the year!
  • I am praying for Light to outshine the darkness. 
That those who represent the light of the world will shine so bright that the lights will penetrate the corners and crevices of darkness and that this year there will be a source of light that will prevail above whatever comes against it.
  • I am praying for the Gospel message of hope to be poured out for every ear that is willing to hear. 
We are living in difficult times, but we serve a good God and my prayer is that my family and yours will be the voice of hope crying out in the wilderness to all those who are desperate to hear its message.

Friends, its time for us to come together, without judgement or pride, and fall on our knees in prayer for our children, our community leaders and our world. We must fall on our knees daily and pray for Christ's love to abound wherever we go, so that our lives will pierce the heart of darkness that is infiltrating our world. 

If our calling is to raise kingdom chasers, we must first start that chase and not stop running until our feet are worn from bringing the good news to all people. 

May this be our BEST year yet! 

I am praying for all your sweet families, dear friends. And with all that, I want to bless you with some free Back to School Printables!!! 

So...For the 2014-2015 School Year, here are some super fun Chalkboard Prints you can download because School Rocks! Because it isn't the first day of school without first day of school pics! I love seeing everyones pics of their sweet babes in their new clothes with their grade signs! So here you are...some cute signs ready to Print and go! Love it! Plus, its such a great way to see how much your kids have grown through the years...makes this momma hurt some too! Here's a peek and I have all grades included! 

Also, for you homeschool mama's, I added an "Our School Rules" Printable! 

And for all of us, even though I know many of us are ready for the crazy summer days to end and the sometimes crazier, though more routine days of school to is a fun "Days Until Summer Vacation" Printable! 

Click here for the Grade/Rules Printables (its a larger file so opening may take a minute) and Here for the Days until Summer Printable (I plan to laminate this one so I can write/erase the number daily!) Enjoy! 

You are His Beloved, 

Don't miss a post! 

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a wonderful year of growth, joy, and learning with your children. May God bless and multiply your efforts as you encourage and teach them. Thanks for the printables.


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