
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Gather At the Table

Come sit at the table and bring what you have;
Your broken, your lonely, your sad.
There is love at the table. No insecurity here.
Sit at the table, let go of your bags.

There is room at the table,
So pull up a chair.
Tell of your stories,
Laugh, cry and share.

Rest at the table.
Come, and be filled.
Find refuge at the table,

Hear the stories, be encouraged, be still.

The last few months I have hosted some amazing women at my table. 
We have gathered together, broken bread, and shared our stories.

The Table has been a place of encouragement and inspiration. 

I encourage you to visit If:Table and host friends at your own table. 
Be vulnerable, share your stories and see what God can do in the 
meaningful conversations at your table. 

You are His Beloved, 

1 comment:

I love reading comments! Thank you so much!