
Sunday, June 8, 2014

6 Ways to Surround Yourself with Godly Mothers

One verse that has been such an amazing testament in  my life these past few months has been Hebrews 12:1, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw of everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…”

To know that I am surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses that have run this motherhood race before me is so encouraging and inspiring.

Ecclesiastes says that ‘there is nothing new under the son’ and motherhood certainly isn't anything new!

The newborn stage of sleepless nights and early mornings, the colicky baby, the crazy toddler, the potty training, the terrible twos and threes, the fits, the demands, the tears, the never ending questions, the training, the tantrums, the drama, the bff’s, the break ups, the heart breaks, the fear, the worry, the laughter, the fun, the growing, the driving…the driving away…the coming home…

We aren't the first to run this race and we certainly won’t be the last.

And in that knowledge, as mothers we must look to each other, to those who have come before us and to those who have come after us and we must stand together in this journey.

We live in a society where we have been told and taught to be independent.
We have been told that we are strong enough to handle anything on our own.

Mama’s, hear me out…THAT IS A LIE!!

I’m not saying, we aren't independent.
I’m not saying you can’t handle it.

I am saying that you weren't called to do motherhood alone.

We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.
We are surrounded by moms and grandmothers and biblical, strong, proverbs 31 and Titus 2 women who have walked this walk; who have journeyed through the hard, crazy days of motherhood and have come through the other side of nursing and potty training and schooling and teenage crisis and more.

Yet, despite being surrounded, we isolate ourselves.
In our isolation is exactly where the enemy wants us.

When we are isolated, all we will hear is the enemies lies and our own fears and doubts.
When we are isolated, there is no one around to pick us up, encourage us and speak life to us.

The Journey of motherhood is hard. It’s long.
Womb to tomb.

We have to surround ourselves with mothers who will uplift and encourage and make us feel less crazy!

We have to learn to depend on other mothers and run this race together. 

6 ways to surround yourself with Godly Mothers

1. Read about other mothers in the Bible.

From Eve to Mary, there are so many mothers and women in the bible who we can emulate, learn from and become inspired by.

2. Find an older mom who has walked the walk you are on. 

She may be a little older or a lot older, that doesn't matter, but find someone who you can go to when you feel a little lost or sad or crazy. They may not have the answers, but many times, just knowing that there is hope is all you need.

3. Surround yourself with friends who are running with you. 

Go out for coffee and laugh about all the crazy, beautiful things your kids are doing. Laughter is good medicine for the soul.

4. Ask for help. 

You weren't called to do this mom thing alone. It’s ask for help.

If you need a day off, get a babysitter. 
If you are overwhelmed with housework, get a maid if possible, or maybe just once to help you at least get a head start on the cleaning. 
If the laundry monster is beating you up, call a laundry service and they will pick it up, fold it and bring it back! Hallelujah! 
And since you’ll have all this extra time cause your house is clean and your clothes are washed, call a friend and go to lunch!

5. Call your mom or grandmother. Call you step mom, mother in law, aunt, sister. 

When you need something or someone, call the moms in your life that you are closest to. 
It’s ok to need them. It’s ok to ask of them. 

I know family relationships can be hard. 
I know many of you may not have the kind of relationship that you desire to have with your mothers or other women in you family. 
Ask anyways. 

Build a bridge. Break down the walls. Be vulnerable…it’s hard, but it keeps you dependent on God.

6. Be helpful to the other moms around you, whether at the grocery store or the chick-fil-A or wherever you are. 

To that mom who is pregnant and carrying a toddler, be encouraging and tell her she is awesome and has such a well behaved kid.
To the mom in the grocery store who’s kid is about to lose it, let her checkout before you. 
To the mom who is carrying 4 happy meals with 4 drinks, 10 ketchup's, her baby wrapped on her, her toddler holding her skirt and her other two running in the play place and letting the door close behind them…open the door for her! Get some extra napkins and straws…We’ve all been there! 

I know the few times moms have helped me or said an encouraging word has been a life saver, especially in moments of weariness and tired. 

We must strive for solidarity in Motherhood. 
We are all in this together. 
We are all trying to raise our kids as best as we know how.

Don’t isolate yourself, but gather together and laugh and love and encourage.
We aren't the first to run this race and we won't be the last!

How amazing would it be if moms, instead of comparing and judging each other, we come together in unity and we walk this walk side by side, helping and holding each other up?

If we could do that, we could change the world.
If we could do that, we could raise world changers!

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You are His beloved,


  1. Excellent post!! This is so true and so important. I recently wrote a similar post in 2 parts - part one is linked here:

    It is so important to learn from godly women!!

  2. What a sweet post, more and more I know that I need my sister's in Christ.

  3. You have some really great points here. Too often we isolate ourselves as mothers (or as individuals in general) -- it takes a village!

    I'm pinning this for sure.

  4. Good post! It's so true that we are under attack when we remain in isolation. I'm a big believer in being a member of a church family for just that reason.

  5. You are spot on. I have found all six of these points to be necessary for maintaining my spiritual well-being. When our family moved to a new location two of the first things I prayed for were godly friends and mentors for our children and family. We need each other.

  6. What a great post! I have been thinking on this subject as well, so it was a great read and an encouragement. Thank you!

  7. Love this post! Thank you so much for the encouragement.


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