
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mama Sit Down

"Mama sit down?"

I'm running.

Constantly going.
To ballet, to piano, to football, to small group, to science classes, to park days.
Going to the grocery store, to moms night out, to doctor appointments, to church.

"But mama, sit."

I'm working.

Slaying the laundry dragon daily. Cleaning one mess and then another.
Making another meal, washing another dish, walking up and down the stairs with a basket of toys, clean clothes to be put away, dirty clothes to be washed again, misplaced shoes that lost its pair.

"Mama, sit."

I'm planning.

Monthly meals, blog posts, vacations, summer, budgets, pinterest projects, garden plans, curriculum, lessons.
The planning never ends.

"Mama, sit down."

I'm listing.

Oh the lists. 
To do. To be. To have. To make. To go. To buy. To save.

"But mama, please sit."

I'm socializing.

A phone in hand, an ipad on my lap and a computer on the table.
I pin. I crush. I mail. I comment. I like. I share. I tweet. I search.

"But mama..."

I look down at the 2 year old.
The toddler.
The almost big girl.
The baby who just yesterday fit perfectly into my arms 
and today speaks almost clearly and directly.

"Mama sit!"
"Sit down Mama. Please."

And so I obey.
I sit.

Mama, sit down.

Stop running mama.
All the extras can wait.

But Mama, just sit.

Stop working mama.
The laundry will never end and the mess will return again.
They won't go hungry and the stairs will still stand.

Mama sit.

Stop planning mama.
The future can wait.
The present is now. She's asking for you.

Mama sit down.

Stop making the lists.
The only thing to do is hold the one who is calling you.

Mama please sit.

Stop socializing mama.
Shut off the screens and sit with the ones worth sharing this moment with.

Sit down mama.
Sit down mama.
Be still.
Tomorrow will be here too soon.

You are His Beloved,

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  1. Oh, How I can relate! There is ALWAYS something to do. I find myself saying "just a minute" way too much - so much that my children started saying to me when I asked them to do something. It was bit of an awakening. How hard it is for me to stop. And sit.
    Beautifully written.

  2. So beautifully written and so true! My youngest (7) will literally take the phone out of my hand (if I'm not talking on it) or move the laptop away and say, "This doesn't belong here now. I do."
    I found you via #UBP14 and have enjoyed exploring your blog. I look forward to reading more.

  3. Thank you Latisha! It's so hard isn't it. My two year old just started saying to me, "One minute mama!" I wonder where she heard that from!!

  4. Tina, Thanks for stopping by! Being on phones or any screen really is such a habit for me! If I am just sitting (rarely) I immediately pick up my phone and facebook or whatever! Ugh! I took it off my phone and can only get on when I am on the computer so that is helpful. I will definitely go check out your blog! Blessings!

  5. Absolutely loved your post. Thanks for sharing it on the Hearts for Home Blog Hop. You're my feature! Be sure to grab the feature button if you'd like,
    Have a beautiful day!

    1. Thank you so much Sarah! I grabbed the button!! Thanks again!

  6. This is so important.....I have never regretted those times I stop and "sit" w/ my children....but I have regretted the times I didn't. It is so easy to be "efficient" and plan to spend quality time later....but we only have this moment today, not tomorrow, to count on. Thank you for posting this reminder to treasure our treasured. :)

    1. Treasure the treasured!! I love that! Thanks for reading and commenting!

  7. Oh, but sitting is so hard! At least, until they go to bed!

    1. Oh Brittany I hear ya girl!! So thankful for bedtime and nap time!!!

  8. I need these reminders all the time. Thanks for posting this.

  9. I"m a moma on the run myself! I'm trying to slow down this week and pay more attention to my 5 year old!

    1. Thankful for his grace!!! Thanks for visiting!

  10. How I want to slay that laundry room dragon!!! The schedule stays packed, but one day - they won't pull on you constantly - wanting you to sit - and that's where the love really is! So glad you did - sit! When they get older, they ask less - fill their own time without you - but, oh,how I want to just sit with them - and even then it's hard - because the, "Mama, listen" rarely is at times filled with nothing - but it's a nothing I still need to put aside!

    1. Oh that makes me sad! Thank you for reminding us that these moments do fade and we will yearn for them one day!


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