
Friday, March 14, 2014

Moving Mountains and other Beautiful Crazy happenings

This week has been a good one for us! It's been spring break over here and it's been fun viewing everyone's happenings on social media this week.

We are a home educating family so we had a mix of school and play. It was also my son's birthday week so we celebrated life all week with parties and family and yummy food. 

This week I blogged about My Story...two crazy teenagers, one great purpose. I will be concluding the end of that story next week with what God finally revealed to me and how it has changed my life.

I also blogged about How God keeps writing and developing our story after our "Happily Ever after," and how He has taken me from empty and drained to full and purposed. 

Isn't God awesome? He can make all things good. Even the hard, sad and empty days are made good because through all of it He is working. He never stops working in your life, even though you may not be able to see His hand or any fruit He is still toiling away. The bible says in Psalms 121:3-5, 

"I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep."

I love that verse. It's actually posted inside one of my kitchen cabinets right now so I can meditate on it whenever I open it. 

God see's your mountains...the hills...even the mole hills you make into mountains! 
And He HELPS you! He is your Help! 
He will give you everything you need to climb that mountain. 
This Psalm is called a "Psalm of Ascent." 
I love that...To ascend something is to climb, an upward or rising movement. 

The only way to ascend or rise up is with GOD'S HELP! 
He will prepare you and equip you to climb that mountain. 
He will give you enough faith to tell that mountain to MOVE and it will move! 

I love how David says, He lifts his eyes up to the mountain and wonders basically, how can I climb this without help? 

There are so many mountains and hills and mole hills in our life that when we look at them...
I don't know about you, but I get totally overwhelmed! 
And one of the things I struggle with is being overwhelmed and then paralyzed to move. 
It would be easier to just avoid or be in denial or do it tomorrow!

Ya'll I'm talking about little things...laundry over load. 
Seriously, one of my kids had an accident at night and there is a mountain of sheets I have to wash and 
that is going to mess up my whole schedule! 

I'm facing this mountain of weight loss.
I've sort of plateaued on my journey to health.
 I can't get past these few pounds, it's sort of waning. UGH!
 Let me tell you, it has not been easy to eat well this week with birthday cake calling out to me!

Our schooling has also sort of hit a plateau as well. 
The mountain I face weekly of planning and reading and engaging and projects.
Its hard climbing that mountain and I easily lose my footing or am out of breath!

But He is my Help. He will help me rise up beyond my own fears and failures and issues.

 He won't let my foot slip. 

As you take on the weekend, enjoy your loves, enjoy your time and rest and remember these verses.

He is your help.
He won't let your foot slip.
He doesn't slumber or sleep. 

Those mountains are nothing for Him. He made them and has given you dominion over them! 

Start climbing! Rise up! 

Want a little more encouragement, a good laugh or cry:
Blogs I've Loved this week -

Sally Clarkson at I take Joy wrote on Giving your Home a heart! So good! 

Chrystal Hurst@ Chrystals Chronicles wrote on the beauty issues of women...especially concerning, ahem, hair issues. Hilarious read and so nice to know we are not alone in our quest for...smoothness??? yikes!

Kristen over @We Are That Family had a great resource on sharing the Ressurection with our kids. LOVE it! Go Check it out! Sunday's a comin'!

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