
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

5 ways to Worshiping without Ceasing

There is nothing more powerful and fulfilling than worshiping Jesus! And you know worship doesn't always have to include music or a church...(though music is many times involved in my personal walk), but you can worship on your porch, while exercising, sitting on your couch with your babies...anywhere. 

Worship is simply meditating on God. 
Meditating on His word, His promises, being thankful for His gifts.

 Some of my sweetest moments of worshiping my Jesus take place in the bath tub! 
The quiet serenity, the music filling the room, 
the aroma of bath salts and bubbles and candlelight.
 Other places where I worship include by the fire place on a cold day with my coffee and bible. Worshiping Him with my small group. 
Worshiping him while kissing my babies and blessing their sweet nights. 
I even worship while I do the dishes or mop the floors! 
You can worship anywhere, anytime, all day long! 

 5 ways to getting your worship on 
anywhere and anytime! 

1. Set aside a special area or chair in your home that is your special place to sit and rest in His presence. Have a basket with your bible, books you are reading or devotional, notebook or journal with highlighter and pen. 

Make this area lovely or practical...depending on your personality.
 Keep a candle close and light it or have your phone or bluetooth speaker nearby and click on some worship music. 
This makes time in the word easily accessible because any free moment you have, 
you can easily sit and rest in his presence, whether you open your bible, book or just sit and pray, you can easily take a moment and worship Him. 

2. Decorate your home with scripture and read and meditate these scripture or even, pray those scripture when you pass by them. 
Find lovely pictures or scriptures at places like Hobby Lobby or Etsy or if you are crafty, make some art! 
Fill your home with His word and promises! The great thing is you will not only meditate on these scriptures, but you will be committing them to memory as well.
 Even better, your kids will be doing the same!

3. While doing your work or household chores put on a podcast from your favorite pastors or teachers. You can find many free ones on youtube, church websites and 
ITunes or even a simple Google search. 
4. Write scriptures or prayers on index cards or post-its and put them in different areas in your home. I have cards taped to the inside of my kitchen cabinets, mirror in my bathroom, in my car visor...

5. Take timeout of your week and find a place to sit and rest in his presence. As I said, mine is my bath tub! I make it lovely and I rest in Him and take time to pray, sometimes I read, worship in song and literally soak Him up! Find a place where you can quietly fill yourself up. That place may be in your garden or front porch or  maybe it's at a quiet corner at the local coffee shop. 
Wherever it is, set a specific amount of time aside, make it yours, make it a priority and make it intentional. 

Remember friends, if we don't take time to fill ourselves, we won't be able to fill others. 

But [his] delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and [he] meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,

    which yields its fruit in season

and whose leaf does not wither—

    whatever they do prospers.

Psalms 1:2-3

You are His Beloved,                    



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful reminder.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  3. Great ideas here! I love these ideas you have laid out. I do some of them, but I really like the idea of scripture art. We are (hopefully) going to be able to decorate our home soon (it's a reno project) - you gave me some awesome ideas.

  4. Thanks Rosilind! Good luck with your home renovation! Must be so much fun, but crazy too! Thanks for visiting!


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