
Monday, May 23, 2011

Leaving a Legacy

I am fortunate to be a part of a family that has a legacy.

I have 4 grandparents. Both sets married over 60 years. Both sets who sacrificed, loved and lived. All 4 have loved the Lord their God with all their hearts.

I have two grandparents left here on this earth.

And last week my grandfather suffered a stroke and in all honesty we are praying that the Lord calls him home soon; that his state of unrest and discomfort will be lifted from him as he enters into Glory to Glory.

So that will leave me with one grandmother left on this earth. And she is strong in mind and body and probably will live to be a hundred.

I truly hope so.

I have comfort in knowing that I will see my loved ones again...without a shadow of a doubt.

They are reveling in the warmth of the Son and the beauty of the Spirit in the presence of God almighty; their creator and savior. 

I was thinking of all this as we wait for perhaps what is the inevitable. And I thought...I am a very blessed woman.

My grandparents have lived more than half their lives loving and praising the God that gave them the breath that they breathe.

They have served Him, served others and been certain of His loving kindness, mercy, grace and forgiveness.

I am blessed because of their obedience in serving Him. I am blessed because they taught my parents of the one true God. And my parents taught me to...

" Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." Deutoronomy 6:5-9

They have left a legacy behind. A legacy of following after the Lord.

A legacy that I will teach to my children. A legacy that will be impressed upon their hearts. A legacy that is bound upon them and written on our homes and our gates. A legacy that will be theirs and their children's and their children's children.

"Thank you Father for my family. For my Grandparents and parents who have dedicated their lives to following you. Keep them in the palm of your hand. Be with my sweet grandfather today and in the coming days as his soul prepares to enter into Your grace. Not our will father, but Your will be done. In your precious name, Amen."

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