
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A haven....

I am on a mission to reliven my home. Make it cozier, prettier...add some sassyness to it or something like that.

I have been wanting to take on this task for a while, but since I figured we were going to be moving soon I sort of put that thought away and searched for new homes online every chance I got!

Well, God has other plans for our living arrangements. You know I just figured my plan made sense. We are hoping to have a new baby and with that came a new house ( If only all things worked out the way you plan and just like that! Ha ha!) You see, we have a 3 bedroom home. Master, Boys room and girls room. So the question was, where does baby go? See...that's why we were hoping to buy a new home, get more room, etc.

The problem was that husband didn't have any peace about the whole idea. He wants a new home too peace, no go. And, I sorta didn't have peace either.

So after praying and thinking and pleading (on my part), our prayer is for our walls to stretch some and for contentment and joy in the house of our youth!

Don't get me wrong, I love our home. We have been blessed with this home and in this home, over and abundantly.

It was the home I spent my first night as a bride in, in our dining room my new husband and I opened all our wedding gifts, the home my children came home to, took their first steps's a lovely home. We have had dedications and birthday parties, small group and friends and family gather here. It's a blessed home.

And the Lord is allowing us a few more years here at home.

I know He is planning another home for us that will be just a blessed. A home where we can grow together. And I am so excited about that.

So, in the meantime I am going to do a little redecorating...maybe some painting and definitely some sewing!

Some new curtains in the Kitchen, my craft room is going to be gutted and totally reorganized, but first we will work on the master bedroom.

A haven out of our little heaven here on earth.

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