
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tomorrow is the first of many fun nights...

Tomorrow begins a new tradition here in our home. 

A new, fun family night. 

I have been waiting for this year. This time. This day. 

Tomorrow will be our first ever- 

Family Movie Night!!!


I am a movie lover. I'm the type of person who calls movies, films. The Oscars is my Superbowl. I hate when they make replicas of old films because they never do as good of a job as the original, i.e. Guess Who with Ashtom Kutcher, ugh! Ashton Kutcher v. Sidney Poitier! Seriously? What where they thinking?


As I was saying...I love films. I love cinema. I love original songs and cinematography...I love a good movie.

I don't like, um, stupid movies that have no reason for being. (Yeah, I know I am sort of a snob when it comes to films). 

What's a good movie? You ask.

Steel Magnolias, Saving Private Ryan, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, The Bachelor and the Bobbysoxer, The Blindside, Remember the Titans, Covergirl, Singing in the Rain, Thelma and Louise, anything with Morgan Freeman, Barefoot in the Park...and I could go on and on! Almost anything with Tom Hanks! 

Classic films, black and white, technicolor, musicals, comedies, tear jerkers, chick flicks...ooh The Philadelphia Story...I love them!

I grew up watching good films. My parents introduced us to good films. My mother taught me who Shirley Temple is and the artistry of Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. We had movie nights and shared in that. I loved it. One of our favorite games is to quote films!

I remember watching Casablanca with my grandmother in her room. Crying when they began singing La Marseillaise. 

I remember watching Shirley Temple singing "On the Good ship, Lollipop!" 

I remember watching Dirty Dancing over and over and over again..."Nobody puts Baby in the corner!"

I can't wait to share the movies I love to Sammy and Emma. I want them to know who Audrey Hepburn was and to appreciate how far films have come and how great they are and use to be. I want them to live in a world of imagination and to be able to experience films the way I did. 

I want them to think back to when they first saw Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and think of the fun they had with us. 

I want to see and hear what they think when Indiana is fighting the Nazis or when Marty goes back to the future or when Scarlet drives the buggy home to Tara or when Anakin turns into Darth Vadar! 

I can not wait. 

And so tomorrow is the first of these nights. 

We'll get out the blankets, make popcorn and put in the film!

What are we watching?

Alvin and the Chipmunks, The Squeakquel! 


  1. Love that post!!! Great girls have reminded me about a thousand times that they want the 'Squeakquel' for their birthday, which is not for another 5 months...they haven't even seen it!

    Hope you have a great night!

  2. That sounds like so much fun!

    I can't wait until my kids are old enough to sit still with us for a family movie night! :)


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